Friday, September 4, 2015

Happy birthday! Wait, what?

So I haven't posted on this blog for almost a year! Wow that's just sad. I have so many other mediums to use for journaling that I just get too spread out to keep to just one. BUT, now that I use blogger for a semi-professional blog that I keep up (, so I might as well journal on here as well!

So. I work at a grocery store, at the customer service desk. I thought it would be a great idea. I thought it'd be the best job ever.

I was so wrong. 

I've been wanting to be a cashier again for the last month. I'd much rather be a cashier because the customers actually pay attention to them as human beings. Me? Nah. People demand things of me. They try to scam me. I had two people fighting in my line today. Over literally nothing. I was so mentally exhausted by the end of my shift. Can I please get another position?!


In other news, we have a new roommate! It's a person I know and trust. It was going to be a random person, but my friend was getting kicked out of her boyfriend's house, so I got her the room. Everything has blown over (there was a whole lot of drama I don't want to recap now) and we can finally settle back in and live life normally again. I can't wait. Things are finally clearing up and getting decent again.

And no, it's not really my birthday.

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